Part 2
Part 2 of our crazy journey is here, and let me tell you, it's been a whirlwind of awesomeness! We started from the jaw-dropping sceneries of Pulga, trekked through Kalga, explored the mystical Magic Valley, and even took a peek into the enchanting Waichin Valley
Next up, we hit Malana Village--a place that's seriously off the charts! The vibes and culture there are like nowhere else, and can't wait to show you what we experienced
Then, things got lively at the Mama Parvati 2.0 Festival in Kasol, Trust me, it's where the party's at! The energy, the people, the whole vibe-unreal!
Delhi was a whole new story. Rugma, my buddy from class, showed me around, and Delhi's mix of history and modern life blew me away
Rajasthan, oh boy! Kota had me in awe with its history and stunning sights. You're gonna love this part of the journey
And then there was Udaipur-stepping into the City Palace of Maharana Pratap felt like stepping back in time to a world of royalty and grandeur.
But all good things come to an end, right? Sad|y, it was time to hop on the train back to Bangalore, reminiscing about the mind-blowing experiences we had.