A trip to the Himalayas....
Embark on a thrilling journey with us as we traverse the diverse landscapes from Bangalore to the enchanting hills of Himachal Pradesh. The adventure kicks off with a train ride from Bangalore to Chandigarh, setting the stage for an epic expedition. From Chandigarh, we board a bus to Pathalikul, a quaint spot nestled near Manali, unveiling a world of possibilities.
Upon arrival, our exploration unfolds on two wheels, rented bikes becoming our trusty companions as we navigate the mesmerizing terrains. Cabs and hiking add to the tapestry of our adventure, offering a unique perspective of the picturesque surroundings. The journey takes an unexpected turn as we set our sights on the legendary Atal Tunnel, only to be thwarted by rain and biting cold, compelling us to retreat
Undeterred, our odyssey continues to the vibrant town of Kasol, a gateway to nature's wonders. Trekking becomes our mode of discovery, leading us to the hidden gems of Tosh and Kutla, where every step is a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty that Himachal Pradesh has to offer.
Descending from Kutla to the idyllic Pulga and Kalga, we're treated to panoramic vistas that seem straight out of a dream. The sceneric beauty unfolds at every turn....