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Stories of Indians
@storiesofIndians • 23 people like this

Here are the rules and regulations for the "Stories of Indians" contest on Connecting Town:

1. Eligibility:
1.1. The contest is open to all residents of India, aged 18 and above.
1.2. Participants must have a valid Connecting Town account to enter the contest.

2. Entry Submission:
2.1. Entries must be submitted as a written post on Connecting Town.
2.2. Participants can submit one entry per person.
2.3. All entries must be original and must not infringe upon the copyrights or intellectual property rights of any third party.
2.4. Entries should be in English or one of the recognized Indian languages (Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, etc.).
2.5. Each entry should include a title and a brief description of the story or biography being shared.

3. Content Guidelines:
3.1. Entries should be short stories or biographies that highlight the lives, experiences, struggles, achievements, or inspiring moments of ord